19 research outputs found

    An abstract data type to handle vague spatial objects based on the fuzzy model

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    Crisp spatial data are geometric features with exact location on the extent and well-known boundaries. On the other hand, vague spatial data are characterized by inaccurate locations or uncertain boundaries. Despite the importance of vague spatial data in spatial applications, few related work indeed implement vague spatial data and they do not define abstract data types to enable the management of vague spatial data by using database management systems. In this sense, we propose the abstract data type FuzzyGeometry to handle vague spatial data based on the fuzzy model. FuzzyGeometry was developed as a PostgreSQL extension and its implementation is open source. It offers management for fuzzy points and fuzzy lines. As a result, spatial applications are able to access the PostgreSQL to handle vague spatial objects.FAPESPCAPESCNP

    Embedding vague spatial objects into spatial databases using the VagueGeometry abstract data type

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    Spatial vagueness has been required by geoscientists to handle vague spatial objects, i.e., spatial objects that do not have exact locations, strict boundaries, or sharp interiors. However, there is a gap in the literature in how to handle these objects in spatial database management systems since they mainly provide support to crisp spatial objects, i.e., objects that have well-defined locations, boundaries, and interiors. In this paper, we fill this gap by proposing VagueGeometry, a novel abstract data type that handles vague spatial objects, includes an expressive set of vague spatial operations, and its implementation is open source. Experimental results show that VagueGeometry improved the performance of spatial queries with vague topological predicates from 23% up to 84% if compared with functionalities available in current spatial databases.FAPESPCAPESCNP

    Modeling fuzzy topological predicates for fuzzy regions

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    Spatial database systems and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are currently only able to handle crisp spatial objects, i.e., objects whose extent, shape, and boundary are precisely determined. However, GIS applications are also interested in managing vague or fuzzy spatial objects. Spatial fuzziness captures the inherent property of many spatial objects in reality that do not have sharp boundaries and interiors or whose boundaries and interiors cannot be precisely determined. While topological relationships have been broadly explored for crisp spatial objects, this is not the case for fuzzy spatial objects. In this paper, we propose a novel model to formally define fuzzy topological predicates for simple and complex fuzzy regions. The model encompasses six fuzzy predicates (overlap, disjoint, inside, contains, equal and meet), wherein here we focus on the fuzzy overlap and the fuzzy disjoint predicates only. For their computation we consider two low-level measures, the degree of membership and the degree of coverage, and map them to high-level fuzzy modifiers and linguistic values respectively that are\ud deployed in spatial queries by end-users.FAPESP (grant numbers 2012/12299-8 and 2013/19633-3)CAPESCNPqNational Science Foundation (grant number NSF-IIS-0915914

    The impact of spatial data redundancy on SOLAP query performance

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    Geographic Data Warehouses (GDW) are one of the main technologies used in decision-making processes and spatial analysis, and the literature proposes several conceptual and logical data models for GDW. However, little effort has been focused on studying how spatial data redundancy affects SOLAP (Spatial On-Line Analytical Processing) query performance over GDW. In this paper, we investigate this issue. Firstly, we compare redundant and non-redundant GDW schemas and conclude that redundancy is related to high performance losses. We also analyze the issue of indexing, aiming at improving SOLAP query performance on a redundant GDW. Comparisons of the SB-index approach, the star-join aided by R-tree and the star-join aided by GiST indicate that the SB-index significantly improves the elapsed time in query processing from 25% up to 99% with regard to SOLAP queries defined over the spatial predicates of intersection, enclosure and containment and applied to roll-up and drill-down operations. We also investigate the impact of the increase in data volume on the performance. The increase did not impair the performance of the SB-index, which highly improved the elapsed time in query processing. Performance tests also show that the SB-index is far more compact than the star-join, requiring only a small fraction of at most 0.20% of the volume. Moreover, we propose a specific enhancement of the SB-index to deal with spatial data redundancy. This enhancement improved performance from 80 to 91% for redundant GDW schemas.FAPESPCNPqCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)INEPFINE

    Analytical Processing Over XML and XLink

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    Current commercial and academic OLAP tools do not process XML data that contains XLink. Aiming at overcoming this issue, this paper proposes an analytical system composed by LMDQL, an analytical query language. Also, the XLDM metamodel is given to model cubes of XML documents with XLink and to deal with syntactic, semantic and structural heterogeneities commonly found in XML documents. As current W3C query languages for navigating in XML documents do not support XLink, XLPath is discussed in this article to provide features for the LMDQL query processing. A prototype system enabling the analytical processing of XML documents that use XLink is also detailed. This prototype includes a driver, named sql2xquery, which performs the mapping of SQL queries into XQuery. To validate the proposed system, a case study and its performance evaluation are presented to analyze the impact of analytical processing over XML/XLink documents.FAPESPFACEPECAPESCNPqINEPFINE

    Análise de desempenho das mulheres no ENEM / Analysis of women's performance in ENEM

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    Apesar do grande número de cursos na área de ciências exatas e do aumento de vagas para profissionais formados em cursos relacionados, o número de mulheres que ingressam e se formam nessa área está decrescendo. No âmbito da educação, ações específicas precisam ser desenvolvidas para despertar o interesse das mulheres nesses cursos. Para dar subsídios a essas ações, existe a necessidade de se realizar investigações quanto à formação das mulheres nos diferentes níveis de ensino. Neste artigo, esse desafio é avaliado por meio da análise do desempenho das mulheres no exame do ENEM considerando as áreas de conhecimento desse exame relacionadas às ciências exatas. São investigados vários fatores de análise e anos de realização do exame. De forma surpreendente, os resultados obtidos mostraram que a superioridade de desempenho dos participantes masculinos sobre as participantes femininas não é tão evidenciada conforme esperado. Portanto, conclui-se que as ações educacionais a serem planejadas devem responder à seguinte questão quando da identificação de gaps em que se deve atuar para minimizar a discrepância entre os gêneros nas ciências exatas: "Por que as mulheres optam por não seguir carreira em ciências exatas, mesmo apresentando desempenho relativamente próximo ao desempenho dos homens no exame do ENEM?

    Physical Data Warehouse Design on NoSQL Databases - OLAP Query Processing over HBase

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    Nowadays, data warehousing and online analytical processing (OLAP) are core technologies in business intelligence and therefore have drawn much interest by researchers in the last decade. However, these technologies have been mainly developed for relational database systems in centralized environments. In other words, these technologies have not been designed to be applied in scalable systems such as NoSQL databases. Adapting a data warehousing environment to NoSQL databases introduces several advantages, such as scalability and flexibility. This paper investigates three physical data warehouse designs to adapt the Star Schema Benchmark for its use in NoSQL databases. In particular, our main investigation refers to the OLAP query processing over column-oriented databases using the MapReduce framework. We analyze the impact of distributing attributes among column-families in HBase on the OLAP query performance. Our experiments showed how processing time of OLAP queries was impacted by a physical data warehouse design regarding the number of dimensions accessed and the data volume. We conclude that using distinct distributions of attributes among column-families can improve OLAP query performance in HBase and consequently make the benchmark more suitable for OLAP over NoSQL databases.FAPESP (Grant: 2014/12233-2)FINEPCAPESCNP

    Modeling vague spatial data warehouses using the VSCube conceptual model

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    Although many real world phenomena are vague and characterized by having uncertain location or vague shape, existing spatial data warehouse models do not support spatial vagueness and then cannot properly represent these phenomena. In this paper, we propose the VSCube conceptual model to represent and manipulate shape vagueness in spatial data warehouses, allowing the analysis of business scores related to vague spatial data, and therefore improving the decision-making process. Our VSCube conceptual model is based on the cube metaphor and supports geometric shapes and the corresponding membership values, thus providing more expressiveness to represent vague spatial data. We also define vague spatial aggregation functions (e.g. vague spatial union) and vague spatial predicates to enable vague SOLAP queries (e.g. intersection range queries). Finally, we introduce the concept of vague SOLAP and its operations (e.g. drill-down and roll-up). We demonstrate the applicability of our model by describing an application concerning pest control in agriculture and by discussing the reuse of existing models in the VSCube conceptual model.FAPESP (grant #2011/23904-7)CAPESCNPqINEPFINE

    The SB-index and the HSB-index: efficient indices for spatial data warehouses

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    Spatial data warehouses (SDWs) allow for spatial analysis together with analytical multidimensional queries over huge volumes of data. The challenge is to retrieve data related to ad hoc spatial query windows according to spatial predicates, avoiding the high cost of joining large tables. Therefore, mechanisms to provide efficient query processing over SDWs are essential. In this paper, we propose two efficient indices for SDW: the SB-index and the HSB-index. The proposed indices share the following characteristics. They enable multidimensional queries with spatial predicate for SDW and also support predefined spatial hierarchies. Furthermore, they compute the spatial predicate and transform it into a conventional one, which can be evaluated together with other conventional predicates by accessing a star-join Bitmap index. While the SB-index has a sequential data structure, the HSB-index uses a hierarchical data structure to enable spatial objects clustering and a specialized buffer-pool to decrease the number of disk accesses. The advantages of the SB-index and the HSB-index over the DBMS resources for SDW indexing (i.e. star-join computation and materialized views) were investigated through performance tests, which issued roll-up operations extended with containment and intersection range queries. The performance results showed that improvements ranged from 68% up to 99% over both the star-join computation and the materialized view. Furthermore, the proposed indices proved to be very compact, adding only less than 1% to the storage requirements. Therefore, both the SB-index and the HSB-index are excellent choices for SDW indexing. Choosing between the SB-index and the HSB-index mainly depends on the query selectivity of spatial predicates. While low query selectivity benefits the HSB-index, the SB-index provides better performance for higher query selectivity.FAPESP [2009/06052-7]CAPESCNPq [479018/2009-0]INEPFINE